Corryn Grace Freeman - By Grace Founder, Jewelry Designer & Artist

Corryn Grace Freeman - By Grace Founder, Jewelry Designer & Artist

Who is By Grace

By Grace is a Black Woman Owned & operated company that creates luxury  handcrafted wearable art pieces that seeks to root all that wear it in their higher purpose and ground them in their divine truth. 

By Grace pieces are reminders to all that wear them to stand up in their power, to walk in their joy, and to prioritize their true calling in life.

Our Mission
Our Mission is to be a physical reminder of the divinity and power that exists within those who wear our jewelry. Through the development of beautiful high quality luxury products, we seek to serve as a reflection of the best and highest aspects of those that adorn themselves in By Grace Jewelry. When you see By Grace, you see yourself, and therefore are further empowered to express the fullness of who you are in the world.

Our Vision 

Our vision is to live in a world where, Black, Indigenous and Trans Women no longer play small, but confidently take up the space that is rightfully theirs. We see a world that is enhanced by our perspective and elevated by our genius. By Grace seeks to bring that vision to reality from production of our product by working with women to the enjoyment of our product by the women who wear it. 

Our Core Values

  • Imperfection

    At By Grace we know that perfection isn’t real. We understand that our product and that we ourselves will never be perfect. Embracing the reality of imperfection is the first step in unlocking the brilliance of your unique divinity, and the divinity of every By Grace hand crafted piece.

  • Authenticity

    Mama told us that honesty is the best policy, and By Grace stands by that. Commitment to your truth and your values is what makes you uniquely you

  • Vulnerability

    In the words of Dr. Brené Brown, “vulnerability is the birthplace of opportunity, creativity and change”. Vulnerability is courageous, it’s trial and error. At By Grace we understand that trial and error is a part of the process of becoming our best and highest selves. We encourage our consumers to live vulnerably, make mistakes, learn from them and keep it moving.

  • Expansion

    Take up space! You deserve to be seen, you deserve to be heard, and there is so much inside of YOU that the world needs to see. Our goal at By Grace is to encourage your expansion, challenge you to move out of your comfort zone and into your truth.

  • Joy

    The most magnetic force in the universe, within it is our peace and our contentment, By Grace seeks to bring a little piece of joy to you through our luxury hand crafted wearable art. We hope it serves as a reminder to prioritize your joy every day.

  • Grace

    The face that love wears when it meets imperfection. We embrace Grace, we give it to ourselves and others, for we know that it is by grace and grace alone that we have an opportunity to learn, grow and become.